Saturday, June 23, 2012

1st week...

Sushi from Cabai's - Amazing Trix Roll!

I would have to say that the food that night was the best date food I have ever had!  That is saying something!

My First dust storm!

They bring about BEAUTIFUL sunsets!

MORE cousin fun!

Sam's First's...

So our little man is almost 6 months old and Ken and I have decided it was time to try rice cereal.  He likes it but doesn't quite have the concept down yet.  

Also, last night he had an exciting first for us...he rolled from his back to his tummy.  This is a big deal since he doesn't really like his tummy time to much.  Now he will go back and forth and seems to enjoy it! 

The New Genesis

We are here…in Oregon.  It has been rough emotionally and physically.   We arrived Tuesday and have been “getting settled” and trying to find a place for us to live.  Currently we are living in a 20’ trailer on Ken’s parents place AND if you didn’t know it the majority of Ken’s siblings live on their parents land.  Beth, Ken’s oldest sibling, lives above the garage.  Richard, Ken’s oldest brother,  lives in a house on their land.  Now WE also live, temporarily, in the trailer on their land.  SO it makes for fun and family time. 

Since being here I have found it very difficult.  I usually have Ken to myself in ways when we were in MN but it seems he is always wanted here.  Even though it has only been 2 full days of being here last night I asked Ken if we could just spend time together!  Proved to be harder than expected, as others always want us to join in on their fun. 

I also worry about Sam as he is bombarded with new faces over and over.  We have found that if he can’t see or hear us he gets very worried and starts to cry.  Of course this makes me feel loved but I also worry, as he has not had a constant location his whole life.  In the hospital for 3 weeks, back and forth to Grandpa and Nana’s, Vacation/Flying to the OR coast, back “home” to the apartment which was in the process of getting packed up, back and forth to Grandpa and Nana’s again, and then out to OR.  

We are happy to be where the LORD want's us BUT I am finding the transition to be difficult to say the least.  I will try to post more pictures soon!  Below is out our trailer door. :)